Home Poker Forum DriveHUD 2.x Releases DriveHUD 2 Public beta – v2.0.0.5758


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  • Jesse
    Post count: 280

    DriveHUD 2 Public beta – v2.0.0.5758:


    – Added user popups to replayer
    – Added Preflop AGG% overall and by position
    – Added Average Stack Size stat
    – Added support for GGN PLO
    – Fixed player notes saving
    – Fixed Last To Action Flop = false filter
    – Fixed Bet vs Skipped C-Bet stat
    – Fixed replayer displaying issues
    – Fixed issues in reports heat maps
    – Fixed issue in scrolling in filter language popup
    – Fixed crash in R&D
    – Fixed the stat value -1 shown in line bar tools

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