Free Poker Equity Calculator
Better than PokerStove and much more powerful!

Easily weigh your hand ranges, configure pre-set hand ranges, or allow APD poker equity calculator to automatically generate hand ranges for you. 100% completely free forever. Power. Simplicity. Accuracy.
Connect to your Holdem Manager or Poker Tracker database and replay hands, or easily export hands into formats that you can post on your favorite poker forums.
FREE Poker Equity Calculator Overview
Give Ace Poker Drills FREE Poker Equity Calculator a try, and you’ll never look back at inferior poker equity calculators again. Easy, and simple to use. Much more powerful than PokerStove. And best of all, it’s free for life. It doesn’t get much better than that! Download it today.
System Requirements
Windows Vista, XP, Win 7 or Win 8
- Auto-generate hand ranges for your opponent(s) based on how the hand was played.
- Weigh hands and hand ranges easily based on the likelihood with one click.
- Customize common pre-flop hand ranges and apply them with one click.
- Review/replay, and import hands directly from your database.
- Calculate your bluff equity in any poker situation.
APD FREE Poker Equity Calculator Gallery

Easy-to-use interface allows for simple input of hand ranges. Even drag-and-hold paint in hand ranges.

Right-click on any hand to easily weigh any poker hand range of your opponent.

Redefined opening hand ranges that are easily customizable and editable.

Connect to your favorite poker database to easily review and replay sessions right inside of the equity calculator. No need to hunt for losing hands.
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