DriveHUD 2 Beta update – v2.0.1.6322:
Added Range report (new feature) [beta]
Added possibility to drag & drop the reports (re-ordering)
Fixed an issue when HUD wasn’t loaded because some hand charts were deleted
New Range report features:
The ability to input any pre-flop and post-flop scenario and understand if the entire population of your opponents is over/under folding, over bluffing, raising, etc… in any given scenario.
To run, scroll to the right in your reports section and open the tab – Range.
Click the config icon, and you’ll see a scenario pop-up.
Select any pre-flop or postflop action from the menu.

Click on the config icon for any street you’ve defined an action for if you’d like to alter the default bet sizing analysis points.
Select from either of the top pull down menus if you’d like to run on all player types, or specific player types, and posflop position or all.
Add any additional filters from the standard, or advanced tab.
Click Run at the top.

New Jon “Apestyle” Van Fleet MTT HUD in the HUD pro store:
Americas Cardroom pro, Jon “Apestyles” Van Fleet, offers up his custom DriveHUD MTT HUD. With over $17 million in lifetime MTT cashes, DriveHUD teamed up with Jon to create the ultimate must-have HUD for MTT and S&G players. Offering over 25 custom pop-ups, including several third-layer pop-ups, RNG’s in most decision level pop-ups, you’ll have all the relevant stat information you need on your opponent’s to reach the best possible conclusion about your opponent’s hand range.