Home Poker Forum DriveHUD 2.x Releases DriveHUD 2 Beta Release – v2.0.0.5976

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  • Jesse
    Post count: 280

    DriveHUD 2 Beta Release – v2.0.0.5976:


    Removed HUD designer save prompt after some actions
    Fixed the issue when video player didn’t work in Windows 7/8
    Redesigned the pop-up window for selecting report columns
    Fixed the issue when space couldn’t be used as separator in plain stat box
    Added stats:
    Fold to Turn C-Bet in 3BP
    Fold to River C-Bet in 3BP
    Turn C-Bet IP (3BP)
    Turn C-Bet OOP (3BP)
    River C-Bet IP (3BP)
    River C-Bet OOP (3BP)
    C-Bet Flop & Fold to XR

    Post count: 11

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